Shipping, Returns & Exchange Policy
Shipping Policy
- After receiving the Order, it is Shipped from our warehouse through our logistic partner within 48 hours.
- Depending on the courier partner and location, we deliver the order within seven working days or before.
- Maxkart will not charge any shipping charges on all the prepaid orders
- Products will be shipped only in India.
- Customers are advised not to accept damaged shipments.
Return & Exchange Policy
- Refund or replacement of the product will not be applicable if the product doesn’t suit you.
- Once the order is placed, it cannot be modified, canceled, or refunded.
- Requests of exchange or Refund of products will not be accepted once an order is placed.
- Suppose any damaged product, defective product, or wrong order is received as per the customer’s order. In that case, we request you to kindly contact our customer service on our official number @ Call/ WhatsApp +91-6306611685 within 24 hours of the delivery of the product along with images/video of the product received.
- If you have any product missing as per your order, we request you provide us with a 360-degree unboxing video to support the claim. Without the unboxing video, no claims will be processed further.
- No Refund shall be made once goods are sold.
- All products are non-refundable.
- If you have placed an order and once it is delivered, it cannot be a change in colors, etc., as we will only give you the product you ordered.
- If your order is marked as LOST by our logistic partner, we will resend the same, and no refund will be issued against it; kindly contact our customer care or mail or DM’s on Instagram for re-shipping.